
Apply These 6 Secret Techniques To Improve Accountants

in here and change this to the Nitschke Nanncarrow sales record number and just leave all  this because that’s just all statuses  but you could have once a paid or  waiting postage but whatever is all I  have a search so and this is it so  that’s this is the one firm that would  put chat so if you click on it here take  you into it Dokic word and so the first  thing I checked with me the email  address so here it’s admin a horny  ferret media so that wasn’t the

same as  this one but that doesn’t necessarily  mean that it’s not it so what we need to  do is go down and you see the PayPal  transaction details here you click on  that and it would probably ask you to  login but I’m already logged in so it  has this pop up so yeah it’s it’s doc  Woodward yeah if I scroll down you can  see payment from horny ferret media so  sometimes I don’t know people just have  different emails associated with that  they account to their PayPal account so  if we go back so this one is with don’t  Woodridge because we’ve reconciled that

  off so just approve that one okay so the  next one is this one have a look at the  other ones that are available so you’ve  got one from the fifth of November so it  doubt it’s going to be that so I’m  guessing it’s this one so again I’ll  take this go back to eBay back to all  orders pop it in their record number and  have a search okay so me go Albert at  live so that doesn’t relate to this one  so again have a look at the tape our  transactions  so shipping as Robert the boy and the  payment

from MSA consulting so that’s  what we were looking for MSA consults in  and that relates to this record number  there okay that’s it don’t a deep dive I’m going to do it I’m going  to be honest with you though I am a  little biased going into this because in  my own consulting practice I have made a  choice between these two applications  I decided first of all that it was  important to pick one application and  stick with it as far as the core  accounting application because in my own  practice I decided that the best way to  scale it would be to be

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